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Stories written by csercombe

Begin Veterans Park fix-up by razing grandstands

Begin Veterans Park fix-up by razing grandstands

Something needs to be done about Veterans Memorial Park. The park is looking pretty shabby these days and action needs to be taken to raze the baseball grandstands and maintenance…

It’s up to community leaders to start the discussion on how to get along

The City of Hamtramck is facing a serious problem. It is not the matter of the brief arrest of Rev. Wayne Little. That matter is being worked out by the…

Street Life: Police auction offers plenty of good deals

Street Life: Police auction offers plenty of good deals

(Editor-at-Large Walter Wasacz writes a weekly column on life in Hamtramck.) By Walter Wasacz The timing couldn’t be better. I needed a bicycle, had been thinking about where to get…

Music community drums up support for one of its own

By Alan Madeliene Hamtramck has long had a reputation as a giving and charitable town. That rep will be put to the test once again this coming Saturday, when the…

Census volunteers spread the word to be counted

Census volunteers spread the word to be counted

By Charles Sercombe The 2010 Census is coming to your neighborhood starting this week. No, we’re not talking about the Census forms that every household across the country is being…

Hundreds seek tax relief through property assessments

By Charles Sercombe Times are tough for a lot of folks. Sure, we all know that, but here’s further proof that the economy is pounding households: about 400 homeowners asked…

Snuffed out: Smoking ban is coming soon

By Ian Perrotta Review Staffwriter Though it’s just a few weeks away from becoming official, there are still some questions surrounding the statewide smoking ban beginning May 1. According to…

Trash problem causing a stink on Jos. Campau

By Ian Perrotta The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. The question? Where does the trash go from some of the businesses on Jos Campau? If you’re scratching…

Hamtramck Clean Sweep gears up for the big day

By Ian Perrotta It’s spring, and you know what that means – it’s time for the annual Hamtramck Clean Sweep. This year, the event will be held on Saturday, May…

Get ready for ‘candid’ camera on Jos. Campau

By Charles Sercombe Chicago appears to be one of the most watched cities in the country. According to recent media reports, Chicago has thousands of surveillance cameras on public and…