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Stories written by csercombe

Taxpayers getting a good soaking by Rec. Dept.

Taxpayers getting a good soaking by Rec. Dept.

Hamtramck taxpayers deserve answers about how their money is being spent by the Hamtramck Recreation Department. It’s outrageous that the department collects $1 million a year and spends half of…

Former veteran hall is in good hands now

The purchase of PLAV Post 1 Hall by the Hamtramck Historical Commission couldn’t be more appropriate. This building is historical in itself. It was built by World War I veterans…

Medical marijuana club isn’t about getting stoned

Medical marijuana club isn’t about getting stoned

By Ian Perrotta Medical marijuana has come to Hamtramck. Beginning last month, The Hamtramck Compassion Club (THCC) began holding bi-monthly meetings to help educate the community on the impact that…

Splash pad opens, sort of

Splash pad opens, sort of

By Charles Sercombe Ready for some water fun, kids? The Recreation Department’s new splash pad is up and running … but there’s a catch. It’s only open from 4:30 p.m.…

Historical Commission now has a place to call home

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s Historical Commission can now celebrate a historical moment of its own. On Tuesday, after a lengthy and tedious discussion, the City Council OK’d the purchase of…

City ranks high up in pollution

By Charles Sercombe Been hacking and wheezing a bit? Besides battling seasonal allergies at this time of the year, Hamtramck residents face a more serious health threat: air pollution. According…

Police Chief resurrects a department tradition

By Ian Perrotta It was all about the men and women behind the shield on Wednesday (June 21) at Under the Eagle. The police department held an awards ceremony to…

Whiskey in the Jar is going to the dogs

Whiskey in the Jar is going to the dogs

By Ian Perrotta On Tuesday, Hamtramck’s venerable watering hole Whiskey in the Jar went to the dogs. About two dozen mutts, pups and picture-perfect purebreds showed up with their owners…

On the world stage, Hamtramck competes culturally

(Editor-at-Large Walter Wasacz writes a weekly column on life in Hamtramck.) By Walter Wasacz Earlier this month, I went to Montreal for a weekend of music, fun and urban adventure.…

City union eyes budget reality, now it’s the city council’s turn

City union eyes budget reality, now it’s the city council’s turn

For many of our readers this will sound like inside baseball kind of stuff. But it is yet another example of these hard financial times and how when things get…