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Stories written by csercombe

At one time, Hamtramck was the center of baseball

(Editor-at-Large Walter Wasacz writes a weekly column on life in Hamtramck.) By Walter Wasacz It was nice to get a call a few weeks ago from one of my oldest,…

Word spreads on repairing grandstand

Word spreads on repairing grandstand

By Ian Perrotta The new documentary on Art “Pinky” Deras’ isn’t the only thing related to baseball making headlines this week. The effort to save the stadium at Veterans Park…

Council’s refusal to do the right thing threatens our safety

Council’s refusal to do the right thing threatens our safety

Hamtramck’s money woes may start cutting deep into the bone. The Police Department’s two auto theft investigators may have to be eliminated because the city can’t afford to kick in…

This year’s Hamtramck Festival has some new features

This year’s Hamtramck Festival has some new features

By Ian Perrotta Next week is the Hamtramck Labor Day Festival, and if you think you’re in for the same old festivities as in years past, you’re only partially right.…

Hamtramck gets starry-eyed for a day

Hamtramck gets starry-eyed for a day

By Charles Sercombe Vampires were in Hamtramck on Tuesday. Not the blood-sucking kind, but the Hollywood type – as in a major movie production. And appropriately – and totally coincidentally…

Schools dodge a bullet

By Charles Sercombe Here’s one list Hamtramck Public Schools is glad to not be on. The Michigan Department of Education recently released a list of the bottom 92 schools in…

Labor Day Festival will be rocking

Labor Day Festival will be rocking

By Ian Perrotta It’s almost time for Hamtramck to reap the fruits of the festival committee’s labor. The Hamtramck Labor Day Festival is just two weeks away and it’s shaping…

Fighting blight takes a top priority with city officials

Fighting blight takes a top priority with city officials

By Charles Sercombe Blight busting seems to be on the mind of many in town – including city officials. A growing number of residents are complaining about the never-ending amount…

It’s been one long ride for this bus driver

It’s been one long ride for this bus driver

By Omar Thabet Special to the Review How can you not like a guy nicknamed “Hippo”? Chances are if you went through Hamtramck Public Schools, you’ve met John “Hippo” Hypnarowicz.…

‘Greening’ of Hamtramck can start with school students

(Editor-at-Large Walter Wasacz writes a weekly column on life in Hamtramck.) By Walter Wasacz Faithful readers of Street Life might recall that last week’s column dealt with my personal experience…