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Stories written by csercombe

One school route that’s not so safe

One school route that’s not so safe

By Charles Sercombe The school year is now entering its third week but there is still a waiting game to finish up the city’s sidewalk repairs. The sidewalk at the…

Away from the festival, Hamtramck’s teeming nightlife

Away from the festival, Hamtramck’s teeming nightlife

By Walter Wasacz Hamtramck was off the hook on Labor Day weekend. The festival and parade — as you’ve no doubt already seen on the front page of the last…

Family remains loyal to their school district

Family remains loyal to their school district

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s public school district has a snappy recruitment slogan these days: “Start here, Stay here, Succeed here.” It’s been in effect for the past couple of years…

What was the point in delaying purchase of vests?

What was the point in delaying purchase of vests?

The issue of seeking concessions from the unions representing police officers is a legitimate one. Hamtramck’s two police officers’ unions have refused to concede so much as a nickel to…

It’s festival fever in Hamtramck

It’s festival fever in Hamtramck

By Ian Perrotta Well, it didn’t take long for another festival to crop up. On Oct. 16 and 17, Hamtramck will host its first-ever Oktoberfest. The idea for the event…

A round-up of last weekend …

A round-up of last weekend …

By Ian Perrotta If you weren’t one of the over 200,000 people that attended last weekend’s Labor Day Festival, you can probably read about it at the library in the…

Poletown dispute with Detroit now heading to court

By Charles Sercombe The gloves are off. Hamtramck filed a lawsuit against Detroit last week in Wayne County Circuit Court, demanding that Detroit pay the city $4 million. Detroit has…

City ‘dodged a bullet’

By Charles Sercombe Tuesday’s wind-whipped firestorms in nearby neighborhoods in Detroit came close to Hamtramck, but not close enough to cause alarm. “We dodged a bullet,” said Hamtramck Police Chief…

Councilmember ratchets up pressure for police concessions

By Charles Sercombe If City Councilmember Tom Jankowski had it his way, Hamtramck cops would pay half the cost of a new bullet proof vest they are required to wear.…

Detroit breakdown: Inside the firestorm

Detroit breakdown: Inside the firestorm

By Ian Perrotta On Tuesday (Sept. 7) Detroit went up in smoke. But the real destruction wasn’t from the multiple cases of conflagration – residents were flaming mad at the…