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Stories written by csercombe

Peoples State Bank working out financial trouble

Peoples State Bank working out financial trouble

By Charles Sercombe Peoples State Bank officials are downplaying media reports that it is being forced by federal regulators to merge with another bank. But bank officials do concede there…

What’s all the fuss about HUSS?

What’s all the fuss about HUSS?

By Ian Perrotta Like a fine wine, Hamtramck United Social Services (HUSS) just gets better with age. After almost four decades of coordinating the efforts of the city’s numerous social…

Space is the ‘Place’

(Editor-at-Large Walter Wasacz writes a weekly column on life in Hamtramck.) By Walter Wasacz Place is the new desired space. “Psychogeography” is replacing the old mantra of “location, location, location”…

City Hall Insider …

City Hall Insider …

What is our City Council up to these days? We have the scoop and the highlights – as well as the lowlights – of the latest council meeting. The City…

When it comes to city Promotions, it’s a good thing

When it comes to city Promotions, it’s a good thing

City promotion. It’s a concept that most would agree is needed to attract visitors here so they will hopefully spend some money with our merchants. Hamtramck has been pretty good…

A Jos. Campau tradition gets resurrected

A Jos. Campau tradition gets resurrected

By Ian Perrotta This weekend, the shops on Jos. Campau will be taking it to the street – literally. It’s the 2nd Annual Sidewalk Sale. The sale is sponsored by…

Freeway car fire underscores safety threat to firefighters

Freeway car fire underscores safety threat to firefighters

By Charles Sercombe A suspected case of road rage tied up southbound traffic on I-75 for over four hours Monday afternoon. Michigan State Police are investigating the shooting of a…

Bar sting stirs up question of timing

By Charles Sercombe Coincidence or retaliation? That’s a question that came up this week among some in the community after a recent police sting on several local bars. Last Friday,…

Auto theft unit spared budget ax

By Charles Sercombe As if on cue, just as Hamtramck police officials were coming back with good news about the city’s auto theft prevention unit, police officers here apprehended two…

School district faces tough financial choices

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s public schools may be heading into a worse financial crisis. Superintendent Tom Niczay said it appears that the district lost over 150 students, which will result…