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Stories written by csercombe

Local real estate still a hot market

Local real estate still a hot market

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck property still attracts top dollar. In a recent auction of eight city properties, which included lots and houses, the city netted $442,601. Two of the winning…

Councilmember’s resignation underscores the burden of the job

The recent resignation of City Councilmember Amanda Jaczkowski should serve as a stark reminder to future candidates to do your homework. Running for elected office comes with responsibilities – responsibilities…

School Bell … 3/3/23

School Bell … 3/3/23

From the Superintendent HPS Superintendent recently posted this letter to students and families on social media: As you may have heard, I was recently reinstated as superintendent by the Hamtramck…

City Hall … 2/24/23

  What is our City Council up to these days? We have the highlights of the latest council meeting. By Charles Sercombe The city council met on Feb. 14, and…

HPS teachers held week-long protest over superintendent’s return

HPS teachers held week-long protest over superintendent’s return

    By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck teachers hit the streets this past week. They were outside their school buildings, before and after classes, to protest the return of Superintendent Jaleelah…

One more exits from city

One more exits from city

    By Charles Sercombe Another freshman city councilmember has resigned. This time, it’s Amanda Jaczkowski, the only woman on the city council. She’s leaving because of health issues. “As…

Once again, the city has to face financial issues

Recently, the city council and mayor heard some alarming news about the city’s immediate future financial picture. The city is spending more money than it takes in, and the only…

School Bell … 2/24/23

School Bell … 2/24/23

  Student spotlight This month, we’re excited to feature Sammr Sammin for our student spotlight. A recipient of this year’s Superintendent Award, Sammr continues to go above and beyond the…

Toast of the Town … A Paczki Day diary: Brrrrr … who invited winter to the party?

Toast of the Town … A Paczki Day diary: Brrrrr … who invited winter to the party?

  By Charles Sercombe It was that time again, a time where Hamtramck always shines. Fat Tuesday. Known elsewhere by the French “Mardi Gras,” but locally as Paczki Day. Alas,…

Toast of the Town … A Paczki Day diary: Brrrrr … who invited winter to the party?

Toast of the Town … A Paczki Day diary: Brrrrr … who invited winter to the party?

  By Charles Sercombe It was that time again, a time where Hamtramck always shines. Fat Tuesday. Known elsewhere by the French “Mardi Gras,” but locally as Paczki Day. Alas,…