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Stories written by csercombe

Former School Board president cited for outburst

By Charles Sercombe Public School Boardmember Titus Walters will be the first to tell you he has a temper and can be “passionate” about his support of the schools. And…

Like it or not, merging services is a must

By Charles Sercombe One of Gov. Snyder’s directives to communities across the state is to find ways to consolidate, and even merge, services. Over a month ago, the Hamtramck City…

Toast of the town …

Toast of the town …

When it comes to good food and great times, Hamtramck has plenty to offer. In this column, we’ll talk about what’s happening at our bars, restaurants and other events that…

Building improvements grants expand beyond Jos. Campau

Building improvements grants expand beyond Jos. Campau

By David Piestrzynski Special to The Review The city of Hamtramck is due for its annual facelift. The yearly façade grants have been doled out by the Downtown Development Authority,…

City streets are due for spring cleaning

City streets are due for spring cleaning

By David Piestrzynski Special to The Review The good news is that winter appears to be gone. The bad news is that it left a mess. The streets of Hamtramck…

Education should be a cost we want to support

What in the world is going on with public education? This isn’t just a Hamtramck question. Under Gov. Snyder’s budget plan, funding for education is getting slashed by almost $500…

Census number on housing stock raises questions

Census number on housing stock raises questions

By Charles Sercombe Let’s get this out right up front. The 2010 Census numbers are still raw to city officials, and they have not had enough time to digest what…

Want to run for city council? Now’s the time

Want to run for city council? Now’s the time

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s election season is officially up and running. Nominating petitions for three City Council seats are now available at the City Clerk’s Office. The council race is…

State loan now looking iffy at best

State loan now looking iffy at best

By Charles Sercombe Will Hamtramck still get a $2.5 million state emergency loan? That’s a question floating around the city now that Hamtramck and Detroit worked out a deal on…