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Stories written by csercombe

New city service will offer crime info online

By Charles Sercombe Do you remember the not so distant days when you could read the weekly “Crime Log” in the paper? That source of information was locked down several…

You can’t beat Hamtown for walking

You can’t beat Hamtown for walking

By Alan R. Madeleine When was the last time you took a good walk around Hamtramck? Well, according to walkscore.com, maybe you should. Because this city is Number One in…

Talk Back …

It’s not often we get a chance to talk about the people and things we encounter in a more relaxed format, so to speak. In “Talk back …” our writers…

It’s high time to address our pot laws

Now that Hamtramck has a zoning law regulating where and how medical marijuana can be grown, it’s almost anti-climatic. Why? Because there are some county prosecutors, the state Attorney General…

Primary Election results are in …

Primary Election results are in …

By Charles Sercombe Despite what looked like a Bengali-American blowout, Tuesday’s Primary Election results for City Council were a surprise. Only two out of the five Bengali candidates made it…

Mayor recaps a year of many ups and downs

Mayor recaps a year of many ups and downs

By Alan Madeleine Perhaps you’re perfectly fine with your city as it is. Perhaps you’ve got no complaints at all. Perhaps, for you, it’s a bed of roses. Nirvana. Heaven…

Believe it or not, there is an election

Believe it or not, there is an election

By Charles Sercombe Pssssst … Don’t tell anyone – especially those pesky voters – but there’s an election here in Hamtramck next Tuesday (Aug. 2). YOU SAY WHAT? Hey, quiet…

After months of haggling, city officials OK med pot law

After months of haggling, city officials OK med pot law

By Charles Sercombe Get your hydroponics and grow lights ready all of you medical marijuana growers and caregivers. Hamtramck is open for business. After several months of haggling and fine-tuning,…

Candidate for council weighs in on local issues

Candidate for council weighs in on local issues

The Aug. 2 Primary Election is just around the corner, and to help voters find out where City Council candidates stand on several local issues, we invited the candidates to…

What the mayor had to say, in her words

What the mayor had to say, in her words

Last Sunday, Mayor Karen Majewski held her annual “State of the City Address.” Here is the entire speech: STATE OF THE CITY 2011 Welcome, everyone, and thank you for coming…