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Stories written by csercombe

A case of murder or self-defense?

By Charles Sercombe The circumstances behind the grizzly death of a 24-year-old man last Saturday morning are still unclear. But this much we do know: Hamtramck police are still seeking…

School board candidates talk about issues facing the district

By Charles Sercombe A few weeks ago, we mailed out surveys to all seven school board candidates running for two seats on the board. Their election is on Nov. 8,…

Mayor gets tapped for top position in MML

Mayor gets tapped for top position in MML

By Charles Sercombe Mayor Karen Majewski better rest up and get ready to spend some time on the road. Besides holding down a fulltime job and attending numerous meetings as…

City gets a needed shot in the economic arm

City gets a needed shot in the economic arm

Despite these gloomy economic times, Hamtramck is enjoying a huge influx of federal cash. Fifteen million dollars worth. You can thank the Obama administration for this, because it’s part of…

Police expect to charge suspects in murder today or tomorrow

Police expect to charge suspects in murder today or tomorrow

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck police were forced to release four male suspects today (Oct. 11) who were being held in connection with the murder of a 24-year-old man early Saturday.…

Breaking news … One dead in late-night fight

Breaking news … One dead in late-night fight

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck police are investigating a possible hate crime that led to the stabbing death of an African-American man at around 3:30 a.m. on Conant. According to police…

Complaint filed over candidate is now being reviewed by the AG Office

Complaint filed over candidate is now being reviewed by the AG Office

By Charles Sercombe Do you need proof that this election year is almost non-existent? Ladies and gentlemen, let us present exhibit “A.” (Our apologies to Rod Sterling’s “Twilight Zone.”) Former…

City Hall Insider …

City Hall Insider …

What is our City Council up to these days? We have the highlights of the latest council meeting. By Charles Sercombe Here’s part two of the Sept. 27 City Council…

City manager now has several roles

City manager now has several roles

By Charles Sercombe City Manager Bill Cooper is now wearing four hats. No, it’s not because he’s cold, or because he has a unique sense of style. He is now…

Proposed charter school could have huge ripple effect

Proposed charter school could have huge ripple effect

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck may soon have a new charter school catering to the Bengali community. According to a memo from Hamtramck Public School District Superintendent Tom Niczay, St. Lad’s…