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Stories written by csercombe

Bike lane critics, you have a political ally in high places

Bike lane critics, you have a political ally in high places

By Charles Sercombe Critics of Hamtramck’s bike lane, you are not alone. U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) also has strong words against them, saying they are “the height of stupidity.”…

Candidates line up for election

Update: On Friday, the day after The Review went to press, would-be candidate Armani Asad had been disqualified to run because he has an unpaid $30 filing fee from when…

Mayor and council get special honor

Mayor and council get special honor

By Charles Sercombe Mayor Amer Ghalib and city councilmembers are about to experience a once-in-a-lifetime event. They are going to the White House to meet with President Biden in a…

County owes Hamtramck an explanation on what it plans for jail

Amid the good news city officials received about Hamtramck’s yearly budget projection, there has been one lingering dark cloud hanging over things. Wayne County is expected to transfer its jail…

3Fifteen is back in business with a change in management

3Fifteen is back in business with a change in management

By Charles Sercombe One of Hamtramck’s four cannabis retail outlets is back in business. 3Fifteen, on Jos. Campau near Zinow, was temporarily closed for a few weeks while a court…

Deadline to file for election nears

Deadline to file for election nears

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s election year will feature only one local race for voters to decide on: There will be three seats on city council for re-consideration, and now three…

Crime Watch … An alleged arson and reports of women screaming

Crime Watch … An alleged arson and reports of women screaming

  By Charles Sercombe It’s been a busy week for the police and fire departments. There were two prominent fires during the past week, the most notable being the Kabob…

Guest Editorial … Volunteers are needed in helping with needy households

By Max Gilginas The City of Hamtramck’s Community Involvement Office is pleased to announce that it has partnered with the AmeriCorps’ My Neighborhood Connections program, through Detroit’s Hannan Center, to…

American Axle expansion plan is welcomed with caution

It’s hard to get too excited about the possible redevelopment of American Axle’s former plant site. While it’s encouraging that an American company is contemplating expanding, this particular company has…

School Bell … 4/14/23

HPS in the news Hamtramck Public Schools (HPS) recently announced that 37 students from the Class of 2023 earned a Michigan Seal of Biliteracy. This recognition is for high school…