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Stories written by csercombe

Toast of the Town …

Toast of the Town …

When it comes to good food and great times, Hamtramck has plenty to offer. In this column, we’ll talk about what’s happening at our bars, restaurants and other events that…

City officials’ stance on police health care doesn’t add up

Is it fair to ask Hamtramck police officers to bear the brunt of their health insurance? Hamtramck is in a tight space. According to a new state law, pushed through…

Hamtramck’s ‘Newsmaker of the Year’ — One very large housing grant

Hamtramck’s ‘Newsmaker of the Year’ — One very large housing grant

By Charles Sercombe The year 2011 is now old news. But the year did produce one major story – albeit a story that’s been told before. The year’s “Newsmaker of…

Police say new health plan is unfair

By Charles Sercombe It’s not starting off to be a “Happy New Year” for Hamtramck police officers. Recently, the city council voted in favor of charging officers for their health…

New Year starts off with inauguration of new officials

New Year starts off with inauguration of new officials

By Ian Perrotta The presidential primary may just be starting, but Hamtramck’s election from last November has finally come to a close. On Sunday (Jan. 1) the city’s three elected…

National health care crisis comes home to roost in Hamtramck

Hamtramck’s City Council acted more like the Grinch than Santa at its last meeting for 2011. That’s when councilmembers (except for Cathie Gordon) voted to really sock it to the…

A look back at the last half of 2011

A look back at the last half of 2011

By Charles Sercombe, Alan Madeleine and Ian Perrotta Well, here it is, the second installment of our year in review. We’ve put together the highlights, as well as the lowlights…

With the old year gone, let’s hope for a better 2012

Well, here it is, the end of the year. Goodbye 2011, and in some ways, good riddance. This was, without a doubt, a tough year to endure. The economy sucked,…

The year in review: 2011 was like no other

The year in review: 2011 was like no other

By Charles Sercombe, Alan Madeleine and Ian Perrotta Once again, it’s time for our annual look back over the year. In this installment, we take a trip through the first…

Christmas past much like today

Christmas past much like today

By Greg Kowalski Christmas 75 years ago was surprisingly similar to Christmas today. The world was in a simmering turmoil, with people looking at a growing enemy threat overseas. And,…