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Stories written by csercombe

City needs a loan or it will go broke

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck officials are crossing their fingers that a bank will loan the city $2 million within the next several weeks. If no bank is willing to offer…

Council’s apparent flip-flop on city manager is baffling

We’re going to be upfront. We do not wish to harp on what we think is a wrongheaded decision in hiring a person whose expertise is economic development to take…

Breaking news … Bodies of missing Hamtramck women have been found

Breaking news … Bodies of missing Hamtramck women have been found

March 26, 3:30 p.m. By Charles Sercombe The case of two missing Hamtramck women has turned into a matter of homicide. Police discovered the bodies of the two missing women,…

Community shows it won’t tolerate violence against women

Community shows it won’t tolerate violence against women

By Charles Sercombe “We need to stand together tonight in defiance,” said Mayor Karen Majewski at a gathering of about 200 people last Friday evening. And defiance indeed was in…

Labor Day Festival is up in the air

By Charles Sercombe This year’s Labor Day Festival will truly take a major work of labor to make it happen. In order for it to occur, the Downtown Development Authority,…

In the wake of violence, Hamtramck rises up in solidarity

A pretty amazing thing happened last Friday evening. An incredible turnout of people participated in a quickly put-together rally/march in support of the six women who were violently attacked within…

Crime Log ..

By Alan Madeleine Crime Log is compiled from the daily intelligence reports of the Hamtramck Police Department, this week for the dates of Wednesday, March 14 through Monday, March 19.…

In these needy times, soup kitchen’s return is a blessing

In these needy times, soup kitchen’s return is a blessing

By Alan Madeleine Well, it’s not all bad news for the poor and needy. In spite of what may seem, here and around the country, something like a war on…

City council splits on vote to fire and hire new city manager

City council splits on vote to fire and hire new city manager

Update: March 19, 2001. We erroneously reported that the city council split on the vote to hire Erik Tungate as Hamtramck’s new Acting City Manager. The vote was actually 3-2,…

City Hall Insider …

City Hall Insider …

What is our City Council up to these days? We have the highlights of the latest council meeting. By Charles Sercombe The city council met on March 13, and all…