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Stories written by csercombe

New promotion proved fruitful for Strawberry Festival

New promotion proved fruitful for Strawberry Festival

By Charles Sercombe You could say this year’s St. Florian’s Strawberry Festival was, a-hem, berry, berry good. And why not? It was perfect festival weather: sunny and not too hot.…

On Jos. Campau, history can be found almost everywhere

On Jos. Campau, history can be found almost everywhere

By Alan Madeleine Most people can figure out that Hamtramck has a lot of history behind it. That fact is likely about to get a whole lot more official. Rebecca…

Council lines up for election

By Charles Sercombe It seems like a majority of Hamtramck City Councilmembers would rather be somewhere else. Four out of six councilmembers are seeking higher office in this year’s elections…

Muralist weighs in on street art debate

Muralist weighs in on street art debate

By Charles Sercombe With the debate still going on over street art here in town, we asked Hamtramck’s most well-known muralist what he thinks of the fuss. Fans of street…

Setting up our schools for failure seems to be the plan

You seriously have to wonder if state officials are setting up local school districts for failure. According to Hamtramck Schools Superintendent Tom Niczay, all schools have to pass certain performance…

GM is not being a good corporate neighbor

Talk about adding insult to injury. As our readers know, Hamtramck is hurting awfully bad, financially-speaking. In fact, we are a hair’s width away from total financial collapse, and subsequently…

A lesson on what’s art and what’s graffiti

A lesson on what’s art and what’s graffiti

By Charles Sercombe The protest over one of the street murals just ramped up. Last Friday, Hamtramck police received a call from a man saying two white women were spray…

Police chief says his department will not be ‘walled-in’

Police chief says his department will not be ‘walled-in’

By Charles Sercombe As far as anyone knew, no Hamtramck police chief has ever agreed to meet with the Hamtramck NAACP, said Bill Meyer, a member of the organization. Well,…

Budget passes for now

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s new budget year can be viewed as either balanced, or $3 million in the red. How’s that? City officials are banking on an emergency state loan…

Go fly a kite and get to know your neighbor

Go fly a kite and get to know your neighbor

By Alan Madeleine Welcoming Michigan wants to see a Michigan that’s a lot like how Hamtramck has traditionally been: One that’s friendly to new immigrants. The organization, whose slogan is…