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Stories written by csercombe

Get ready to have some fun

Get ready to have some fun

By Alan Madeleine Hamtramck’s Labor Day Festival lives on. This year, maybe more than ever, it’s truly a grass-roots event. And once again, it’s a couple of locals who have…

Acting city manager keeps his word and resigns

Acting city manager keeps his word and resigns

By Charles Sercombe As he promised, Acting City Manager Nevrus Nazarko stepped down from his position as acting city manager. He had told the city council he was resigning immediately…

New acting city manager says there is no conflict of interest

New acting city manager says there is no conflict of interest

By Charles Sercombe Newly-appointed Acting City Manager Kyle Tertzaj insisted that someone other than the city attorney negotiate employment terms with him. He told the city council at Tuesday’s meeting…

Hamtramck Hustle is a throwback to the 1950s

Hamtramck Hustle is a throwback to the 1950s

By Charles Sercombe Last Saturday was a day for cool cats. The sixth annual Hamtramck Hustle, sponsored by the Dead Last Car Club, may have hit the turning point of…

Crime Log …8/31/12

By Alan Madeleine Crime Log is a compilation of the more interesting or informative items taken from Hamtramck Police Reports, from between the dates of Thursday, August 23 to Wednesday,…

And now comes the hard part for the city council

The city council deserves to pat itself on the back. And Finance Director Nevrus Nazarko deserves some applause for producing a workable budget deficit elimination plan that gives the city…

Stadium preservation project enters new phase

Stadium preservation project enters new phase

By Ian Perrotta Now that Hamtramck Stadium has achieved National Historic status, it’s time to raise money to fix it up. That was the outcome of the most recent meeting…

Hamtramck Hustle is ready to rattle and roll

Hamtramck Hustle is ready to rattle and roll

By Alan Madeleine Maybe the Dream Cruise hasn’t totally sated you for looking at classic cars. Maybe nothing can… Welcome, then, to version six of the Hamtramck Hustle, Hamtown’s very…

Crime Log …8/24/12

By Alan Madeleine This week, Crime Log is a compilation of the more informative or unusual items taken from Hamtramck Police Department Reports for between the dates of Thursday, August…

Muslim community celebrates Eid with family festival

Muslim community celebrates Eid with family festival

By Ian Perrotta You may have noticed more daytime activity coming from your Muslim neighbors in the last week. That’s because last Sunday (Aug. 19) marked the end of the…