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Stories written by csercombe

Proposed Census change being considered

By Charles Sercombe For years, a number of Arab-Americans have complained about their limited choice when it comes to marking down their race in the U.S. Census. The government only…

Crime Watch … Police department had a busy, busy week

Update: Hamtramck Police Chief Anne Moise issued this update on the vandalism of a pride flag that had been on display at the Piast Institute office on Jos. Campau: “I…

Taking care of business … Get your munchies and gaming needs right here

Taking care of business … Get your munchies and gaming needs right here

  By Jay Grossman Special to The Review The Börja Mini Mart & Lounge in downtown Hamtramck is 375 square feet of chill space. Located at 3432 Caniff, the Lounge…

The dangers of social media are playing out here

It’s no secret that Hamtramck has a cultural divide, split between conservative religious folks and progressives. The one subject that continues to spark heated debate here is the display of…

Hamtramck becomes second city to officially recognize Eid holidays

Hamtramck becomes second city to officially recognize Eid holidays

  By Charles Sercombe Recently, Hamtramck’s city council added two more holidays for city employees. Last April, the all-Muslim council designated two Eid holidays for city employees to have as…

Driver gets 7 years in bar owner’s death

Driver gets 7 years in bar owner’s death

By Charles Sercombe About two years ago, the former owner of Kelly’s Bar on Holbrook was out riding his motorcycle in Eastpointe with his wife when the driver of a…

City Council candidates talk about why voters should support them

City Council candidates talk about why voters should support them

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck has just one local public office election this year. And the first phase of the election season is just a couple of months away. City Councilmembers…

Pride flag vandalism leads to another round of debate

Pride flag vandalism leads to another round of debate

  By Charles Sercombe The display of a pride flag has once again stirred controversy in Hamtramck. This time, it’s about the vandalism of a pride flag that was displaced…

School Bell … 6/9/23

From the Superintendent HPS Superintendent Jaleelah Ahmed recently distributed this message to the families and students of the Class of 2023: “Yesterday (Friday, June 2) was an unforgettable day as…

The only population count that counts is the one held every 10 years

Recently, we reported that Hamtramck has seen a slight dip in its population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That adjustment is based on the bureau’s own quirky estimates, which…