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Stories written by csercombe

New playscape ready to be unveiled

New playscape ready to be unveiled

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s newly revamped playscape in the front portion of Veterans Park is getting the grand treatment this Saturday morning. That’s when the city’s Parks Conservancy will…

The needs of Hamtramck should come first

We understand that there moral issues that people get passionate about and take a stand on them. Occasionally elected leaders pass resolutions denouncing or supporting events happening in the nation…

City officials call for divestment and boycott of Israel, a first in the state

City officials call for divestment and boycott of Israel, a first in the state

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck made history last week. As it was widely reported in local media, Hamtramck’s mayor and city council passed a resolution calling for the city to…

City pays for political snub

City pays for political snub

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck Mayor Amer Ghalib has joined Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan in endorsing Detroit City Councilmember Mary Waters for her run for congress. Waters is challenging current first-term…

Veterans Park will see a number of improvements this summer

Veterans Park will see a number of improvements this summer

  By Charles Sercombe It’s been about 10 years since the city installed playground equipment in the front section of Veterans Park, and that equipment has seen some hard use…

A possible solution to the parking meters

If there is one thing Hamtramckans can agree on, it is that the Jos. Campau parking meters are terrible. Many folks find the meter system confusing, at least, and oftentimes…

A final salute to Hamtramck’s war dead

A final salute to Hamtramck’s war dead

By Charles Sercombe The last time a Memorial Day ceremony was held at Veterans Park was two years ago. At that time, there was a rededication of the gravesite of…

It’s batter-up for Juneteenth celebration

It’s batter-up for Juneteenth celebration

By Alan Madlane Juneteenth is coming up soon, and once again, Hamtramck aims to hit it out of the park in celebration. We’re referring to the 3rd Annual Hamtramck Stadium…

St. Ladislaus will soon be saying its last prayers

St. Ladislaus will soon be saying its last prayers

By Charles Sercombe For the past several years, the St. Ladislaus Parish has been existing on borrowed time. That time is now up. Recently, Fr. Tomasz Pietrzak of St. Florian…

State grant will go for new fire gear

State grant will go for new fire gear

  By Charles Sercombe The grants keep pouring into Hamtramck. The latest is one worth $88,651, and it goes to the fire department. The money is earmarked for the purchase…