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Stories written by csercombe

Website calls for the firing of the HPS superintendent

Website calls for the firing of the HPS superintendent

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck is all over social media. One website about the city focuses on the Hamtramck Public School District, and, more specifically for the most part, Superintendent Jaleelah…

Tree grant coming this way

Tree grant coming this way

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck is about to get greener. We’re not talking green as in financial grants, the creation of more parks, or the worst dread in the world…

Guest Editorial: Hamtramck Museum: 10 years later and just beginning

By Greg Kowalski This may sound odd, but a museum that always looks at the past will have no future. Sure, a historical museum lives for the past, but it…

Street repaving continues to roll on for this year and next

Street repaving continues to roll on for this year and next

  By Charles Sercombe As residents on Caniff, between Conant and Buffalo, already know, the street is now open for traffic. After a whole summer of tearing out the old…

Mayor kicks former mayor off DDA

Mayor kicks former mayor off DDA

  By Charles Sercombe The bad blood between former Mayor Karen Majewski and current Mayor Amer Ghalib continues to boil. In the latest development, at last night’s city council meeting,…

Speak up or wait until later

Speak up or wait until later

  By Charles Sercombe If you want to speak to the city council during public comment, you better get there a little early. The council recently adopted a new rule…

City council should clean up its own act

Recently, the city council agreed to limit the time allotted for public comment at council meetings. The new rule allows for only 30 minutes, total, for the public to have…

What a way to end summer …

What a way to end summer …

    By Charles Sercombe Now that was a way to end summer. Once again, the Hamtramck Labor Day Festival gave us one more weekend to celebrate our so-very-brief break…

Mayor and city council object being near LGBTQ group in parade

Mayor and city council object being near LGBTQ group in parade

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s cultural war continues to play out. This time, it happened at an otherwise-unsuspecting event: The Hamtramck Labor Day Parade. And, once again, it involved an…

NAYA has Lansing connections

NAYA has Lansing connections

By Charles Sercombe The curious funding item in the new state budget for the National Association of Yemeni Americas (NAYA) recently caught the attention of the Detroit News. The News…