Website calls for the firing of the HPS superintendent

Out of several Hamtramck-related social media sites, there is a website that focuses on Hamtramck Public School District Superintendent Jaleelah Ahmed. It’s not a complimentary website, as you can tell by its name: The husband of a former HPS administrator, who was fired by the district, created the website, and it includes links to several lawsuits, including a lawsuit by the website creator’s wife, filed against the district and Ahmed.

By Charles Sercombe
Hamtramck is all over social media.
One website about the city focuses on the Hamtramck Public School District, and, more specifically for the most part, Superintendent Jaleelah Ahmed.
To put it frankly, it’s not complimentary. In fact, it calls for her firing.
The website address is not too subtle about it, and is called:
The creator of the website, Dave Adamczyk, is no stranger to Hamtramck, nor to the school district. His wife, Christina, filed a lawsuit against the district over her firing by Ahmed.
(The district has 17 lawsuits filed against it by former and current employees.)
For the record, The Review emailed Ahmed numerous times for a comment about Adamczyk’s website and the allegations that are contained in it.
Ahmed did not respond, just as she has not responded to numerous prior emails on other subjects lately.
We asked Adamczyk about his website, and his wife’s lawsuit. Here is the result of that, in a question-and-answer format (edited for clarity and space):

Review: Tell us a little bit about your background.
Adamczyk: My name is Dave Adamczyk. I am a former resident and a former police officer in Hamtramck. I am now serving as a private investigator (focused on fraud) and a Claims Expert with insurance.
My wife, Christina (nee Christina Dropchuk), and I have a child, and often, as a family, we are found in Hamtramck most Fridays, at Polonia or the Middle Eastern restaurants.
For many years I served in the Hamtramck Rotary Club.I have volunteered time and items for the Hamtramck Public Schools and St. Lads.

Review: Your wife filed a lawsuit against the district – why, and where is it at?
Adamczyk: My wife is a former teacher and administrator for Hamtramck Schools for over 20years. During COVID, my wife was retaliated upon for voicing concerns over safety protocols, and was fired by the superintendent of schools, Ms. Jaleelah Ahmed.
Since then, the federal courts and judge ruled that my wife was fired unconstitutionally. The harm is already done at this point, and I believe she is allowing our justice system to work through its processes to a final resolution.

Review: Why create
Adamczyk: So many people have asked why I created this website, and was it in retaliation for my wife’s claim. The answer is, completely NOT AT ALL.
Many residents and local employees know me, and know, from my past tenure (as a police officer) my desire to help someone when in need. I have always wanted the best for the students and staff at HPS.
In this case, it all started years ago with the Hamtramck Rotary Club, and learning the foundation of “Service Above Self.”
This motto actually resonated with me before I even took an oath of office as an officer in town; from the old Buddy’s Pizza fundraisers for Hamtramck High School senior scholarships to donating to KMS for their honor roll and citizenship recognition celebrations, the list goes on and on.
Many residents may recall, I was asked by the former superintendent of Schools, Tom Niczay, to help investigate a fraud claim regarding a school board member.
At the time, Mohammad Huda was running for office and was not a resident, but claimed to be. I took the case, at no cost to the district, and the investigation and court revealed that Mr. Huda was not being truthful (and was ultimately removed from the school board).
In 2020, with the last bond proposal, it became apparent that Superintendent Jaleelah Ahmed was misleading the community. Many of the advertisements for the bond gave misinformation and/or false information.
I could not stand by and allow the residents of Hamtramck to be deceived in this matter. As time has progressed, it has become extremely concerning that this has become a constant issue with the superintendent — misleading the public on what is going on in the district — and it ultimately is harming the students.

Review: What do you hope to accomplish with this website?
Adamczyk: This actually started with another website, originally:, from 2020.
Back then, it showed that Jaleelah could not be trusted with managing the funds for a multi-million dollar board. Obviously, the residents saw this also, and voted down the bond, but Jaleelah still cannot manage funds, and is at risk of losing millions of dollars.
Now, moving forward 24-36 months, she has derailed the legacy of the HPS staff and created a horrible staffing environment, from the evidence of the resignations and court records.
The foundation and motivation for this entire movement is to allow the residents a deeper dive into the real evidence, and show that firing Jaleelah should be the focus of the board, as we haven’t seen a leader like this in maybe the history of HPS.
We never want to see a person lose a job, but in a leadership position, accountability should be put in the forefront. The overall climate of the district has reached an all-time low; the mismanagement of funds and the constant turnover of staff should not be tolerated.
In most professions, this is cause for termination. The students and families of Hamtramck come from all parts of the world, and we must remember that we need to keep the best interests of their progress at the forefront, not self-interest, not rewards for failing grades – such as Jaleelah continues to exhibit in her own record report card on the website.

Review: What will people find on your website?
Adamczyk: The website is actually a culmination of feedback that I have received from stakeholders of the community and visitors to the website that have knowledge of Jaleelah.
Most of the features and sections are what the readers want to know more about. I just dive deeper and investigate a little farther.

Review: Any response from the public regarding your website and the information on it?
Adamczyk: The responses are very positive from residents and viewers. You can obviously tell the political-sided responses, but the average resident has been very appreciative and thankful for the information, often stating: “I have not heard of this,” and “I now know why the board and Jaleelah are so cryptic in their reports.”

Review: What else will be revealed, in the coming weeks, about the Hamtramck Public School District?
Adamczyk: Since the launch of the website, multiple stakeholders have come forward to provide information on not only employment and facility issues, but most recently other pertinent information.
The information is being compiled, and I welcome any person who has information to come forward. Everyone who has come forward has the same foundation, and motivation, that I do:
“Do what is best for the children and City of Hamtramck.”
Posted Sept. 22, 2023

4 Responses to Website calls for the firing of the HPS superintendent

  1. Shari Bloomquist

    September 23, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    I have a great deal of respect for both former HPS Superintendent Tom Niczay and Jaleelah Ahmed.

    I am disappointed that this type of website has been created as it encourages dissension that most of our community has been trying so hard to avoid.

    The majority of parents whose children attend HPS schools support Superintendent Ahmed and the work she has done with the district. She is a credit to this district and its operations.

  2. Shari Bloomquist

    September 23, 2023 at 3:31 pm

    The Court ordered the Adamczyk case dismissed on August 1, 2023.

    On March 31, 2023 Judge Stephen J. Murphy III entered the Omnibus Opinion And Order.

    On p.37, the Court held:

    “Thus the Court is required to admonish both parties for highly unprofessional practices and to instruct them to proceed with utmost professionalism and decorum henceforth……….”

    The Court did – as Mr. Adamczyk noted, uphold a few pled claims of his wife – but a number of of othr claims of Ms. Adamczyk were summarily dismissed by the Court in that cited opinion and order.

    The website carries a full text of the opinion and order as well as the court’s docket entries in that litigation.

  3. Tea Party Patriot

    September 30, 2023 at 3:39 pm

    Lawsuit after lwsuit is draining the school districts coffers and resulting in potential difficulty to procure liability insurance.


    June 27, 2024 at 9:07 am

    Jaleelah is singlehandedly KILLING the school district and her victims are the students. Improperly appropriating funds, wasting time and money on frivolous lawsuits… SHAME. SHAME. SHAME.

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