The long journey of Veterans Park

Recently, we celebrated all of the good things happening at Hamtramck’s historic baseball stadium.
The good news keeps on coming.
The stadium is located within the city’s largest green space, Veterans Park, and there has been plenty of other development happening there as well.
After decades of waiting and hoping, there is now funding to bring back restroom facilities to the park. Long ago, the existing facility was closed, due to ongoing vandalism and other security concerns.
Since the 1970s, the park slowly declined, becoming a blighted area. There was serious talk of building a community center/police station at the park, which would have pretty much eliminated the park for recreational use.
Thankfully, a handful of thoughtful residents banded together and formed Preserve Our Parks. That group kick-started a movement to turn Veterans Park around, and make it once again safe and attractive for the community.
Fast forward to today, and we still have a determined effort to make this park viable.
Thanks to the dedication of volunteers and city officials, the park has benefitted from various government and private grants.
The best part is that the effort is far from over.
There are more improvements coming this way, and one day this park will stand out in this county.
When Hamtramck unites behind a vision, we are always successful. It just takes hard work and dedication.
Posted May 26, 2023

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