Breaking news … Zoning Board of Appeals will reconsider controversial vote

By Charles Sercombe
The Hamtramck Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a special meeting on Monday, Aug. 2, at 6 p.m., to reconsider a request from a Florian St. spa owner to continue operating.
Recently, three members of the ZBA, Malek Hussein, Naser Hussain and Adam Alharbi, denied the zoning variance request, which were enough votes to reject the request by spa owner Tiara Boyd.
The city’s zoning ordinance prohibits spas from operating in residential areas. The spa is located in a former market that has long been out of business.
That denial led to a backlash from some in the community over what was perceived as racially coded words made by some members of the public who opposed the request. Critics also said those objecting to the variance are sexist.
Boyd is an African-American.
The call for the special meeting was made by ZBA member Hussein. The meeting can be viewed via zoom. To find out how to participate in the meeting, go to, or call Mara Braciszewski at (313) 800-5233 ext. 316.
Or, if you simply want to watch the meeting without commenting, you can see it on the city’s Facebook page.
Posted Aug. 1, 2021

4 Responses to Breaking news … Zoning Board of Appeals will reconsider controversial vote

  1. Felicia Davey, Hamtramck

    August 1, 2021 at 11:19 am

    We need this spa in this exact location, and will be grateful if ZBA allows it. Thank you.

  2. Nasr

    August 1, 2021 at 11:23 am

    “The call for the special meeting was made by ZBA member Hussein”

    I spoke to member Hussein who stated that he never called for this meeting.

    Another pathetic attempt by the mayor to cover her racism.

  3. Nasr

    August 1, 2021 at 1:53 pm

    Zoning can’t allow a prohibited use in the residential district. Mayor and planning commission prohibited it and she has to make it an allowed use in the planning commission meeting on August 4. Make sure you attend and pressure her to make good on her promise to make it a permitted use.

  4. Mark M. Koroi

    August 2, 2021 at 7:18 pm

    Reconsideration granted. Tiara got her variance

    The call for the Special Meeting was made by Tom Habitz, Z BA board member.

    Karen Majewski appeared at the meeting and delivered public commentary.

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