Caniff parking lot repaving is moving along

The repaving of the Caniff city parking lot is getting closer to being completed.


By Charles Sercombe
Halfway done.
The Caniff city parking lot received its first layer of asphalt paving on Monday, after about a month’s worth of work to remove the old paving.
The next layer will go on this Saturday, and after that, it comes down to striping parking lanes and installing new hi-tech parking meters.
The project is expected to be completed by the end of this month (June).
Repaving the Caniff parking lot is part of this year’s alley repaving project.
Also being repaved are these alleys:
• West of Jos Campau between Belmont St. and Yemans St.
• West of Conant between Trowbridge St. and Belmont St.
• West of Conant between Belmont St. and Yemans St.
• West of Conant between Yemans St. and Evaline St.
The total cost for this year’s alley repaving is $440,000, and it is being done by Great Lakes Contracting Solutions.
At the same time the parking lot is being repaved, Caniff is being torn up and replaced, from the I-75 service drive to Jos. Campau.
That project will take most of the summer to complete, and is being paid for through federal financing.
As for the new meters being installed in the Jos. Campau business district and all city parking lots, brace yourself. The old city parking meters had been 25 cents for 30 minutes.
Once the new meters are installed, and up and running, it will cost $1 per hour to park.
Posted June 8, 2021

3 Responses to Caniff parking lot repaving is moving along

  1. Nasr Hussain

    June 8, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    If a person leaves the spot before the hour is over, does the meter reset itself?

  2. Fatema Hossain

    June 12, 2021 at 3:34 pm

    Caniff needs repaving.

    This is great news for motorists who have to use Caniff Ave.

  3. Buy Curious

    June 14, 2021 at 10:46 am

    How much did it cost just to redo the parking lot?

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