Breaking news … Election candidate field whittles down by one

Hamtramck Mayor Karen Majewski now faces one less challenger.


By Charles Sercombe

The Hamtramck mayoral race now has one less challenger that Mayor Karen Majewski has to face.
And that is, The Review Publisher John Ulaj. He dropped out of the race by the deadline on Friday (April 23).
So, this leaves the following remaining candidates, besides Majewski, for the mayoral race: Saad Almasmari, Asm Rahman, and Amer Mahmoud.
In the council race no one dropped out with the following candidates to appear on the primary election ballot: Amanda Jaczkowski, Adam Albarmaki, Cody Lown, Lynn Blasey, Khalil A. Refai, Armani Asad, Muhith Mahmood, and former councilmember Abu Musa.
Voters may have a problem with accepting Armani Asad as a candidate. When he last ran for council, in 2013, he ended up pleading guilty in a felony charge of illegally handling absentee ballots.
Asad was convicted with three other men. They all received suspended sentences.

The court also allowed the men to have their felony convictions, which happened in 2014, expunged after five years, meaning they have no record of being convicted. The internet, however, is forever.

There are three open seats on the city council since Saad Almasmari opted to run for mayor instead of seeking another term on council, and Councilmembers Andrea Karpinski, and Ian Perrotta resigned, and Councilmember Fadel Al-Marsoumi decided not to seek re-election.
For those counting, Almasmari replaced Karpinski when she resigned last December. So far, no one has replaced Perrotta.
The Aug. 3 primary election will reduce the number of mayoral candidates to two, and the council race will go down to six.
The candidates who survive the primary election will face off in the November General Election.
Posted April 23, 2021
Updated on April 24, 2021

3 Responses to Breaking news … Election candidate field whittles down by one

  1. Mark M Koroi

    April 25, 2021 at 10:41 pm

    Armani Asad was NOT convicted in federal court.

    He was charged in state court and pled to a felony charge before Wayne County Circuit Judge Timothy Kenny.

    Under the plea agreement he was even placed on probation, but only paid a small fine and costs.

  2. csercombe

    April 26, 2021 at 7:36 am

    you are correct mark. Asad and others were convicted in wayne county circuit court.

  3. Nasr Hussain

    April 28, 2021 at 5:35 am

    With rumors circulating around, your newspaper should do an investigative report to find out which candidates actually live in Hamtramck.
    A late night or early morning visits, few questions to the neighbors, city income tax filing for the past few year, any sudden changes of address on licenses….etc.

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