With 2020 behind us, now is the time to unite

We can all agree that we’re glad to see the year 2020 end.
Obviously COVID played a huge part in our lives. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it will go away any time soon.
The past year also saw some disturbing divisions among elected officials here. There appears to be an ever-widening cultural divide in the city between progressives and social conservatives.
This division could be seen in the debate about allowing recreational marijuana sales outlets.
Hamtramck politics has always been brutal, but it appears this is going to be a bitter election year.
On top of that, the city’s finances continue to tank, as more money is being spent than is being collected. We expect this will play a huge role in what direction the city takes in the next several months.
But for now, we always start the new year with optimism. The community does traditionally unite when there is great need for solidarity.
The Review, of course, could not exist without the community’s ongoing support. For that, we are thankful.
We look forward to another year of serving you all. Hamtramck may be a small city, but it always produces tons of fascinating news stories.
Stay optimistic, folks.
Posted Jan. 8, 2021

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