HHS graduating students are Hamtramck’s ambassadors

Each year we are amazed by the graduating class of Hamtramck High School.
This year is no different.
Last Friday the Class of 2018 celebrated its graduation. The students represent a wide spectrum of ethnicities who make their home here. Many of the students come from immigrant families and have faced many challenges, starting with learning how to speak English.
Any student who gets to experience the Hamtramck Public Schools education system will be ready for the world. They have already rubbed shoulders with youths from widely varied backgrounds.
Hamtramck schools are a mini version of the world at large. There is a reason they are nicknamed the Cosmos – they are truly cosmopolitan in nature and attitude.
You can’t duplicate that experience. In order to get along in our schools, you have to be tolerant. That’s a quality that is sorely missing in the world.
We wish the students well in their future pursuits, which for many will include going on to further their education.
We consider our students to be ambassadors for Hamtramck, and hopefully they will spread the word about the valuable lessons one can learn by growing up in a wonderfully diverse city.

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